Webinar#37: GDPR Fundamentals: Straight to the point!
When: 23 February 2022 Wednesday | 10:00-11:00 CET
Where: online
GDPR does not mean "Generate Daunting Processes Rapidly”, but this could happen without awareness of the personal data protection regulation!
So, how can this Regulation on data protection benefit my project? How to integrate the concept to ensure compliance?
This webinar has been designed to help you practically manage the personal data principles through an understanding of its main concepts, how to integrate successfully the GDPR rules into your projects, and how to develop best practices.
Among others, we will discuss:
- the concept of personal data, what it is, what it is not,
- the main principles of data processing,
- the main obligations of the data controller and data processor.
Please note that this webinar aims at providing basic knowledge about the GPDR rules. If you are already an experienced user in GDPR, you may want to register for our follow-up GDPR webinar here.
Isabelle Daguerre is a legal expert with proven experience in the development of legal strategy on matters related to intellectual property and privacy regulation for public entities, entrepreneurs and SMEs. She provides relevant and useful legal information adapted to the context of cooperation and entrepreneurship. Isabelle Daguerre is currently working as an IP expert at the Institut de la Propriété Intellectuelle Luxembourg (IPIL).
Please register HERE!