Webinar#38: Customer Journey Mapping
When: 02 March 2022 | 10:00 AM (CET)
Where: Online
The aim of this session is to discuss the importance of having a clearly mapped customer journey early. During this webinar we will look at examples of companies using customer journey and we will also discuss some of the tools that you can use to start analysing your customer journey. We will close the session with Q&A.
• What is Customer Journey Mapping (CJM)?
• Why mapping your customer journey is important?
• How to do it
• Where to take CJM next?
Slavo TULEYA is a "Generation Y" expert on Corporate Innovation and Intrapreneurship. In the past, he gained experience by helping launch Innovation labs such as the SKODA AUTO DigiLab and its related offices in Tel Aviv and Beijing. Slavo lived in 7 countries in the last 7 years and accumulated his experience from Real-Estate, Utilities, and Automotive. He is a Certified Design Sprint Master and founder of the Czechoslovak Service Design Community. Today he continues building new ventures in the field of Digital Native Vertical Brands and Service Design. Companies usually get in touch with Slavo for advice on how to set up internal innovation labs, methodologies, and keynotes on Intrapreneurship.
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